Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

S scale cottonwoods underway

Today I started to make five cottonwood trees for the Sn3 layout. The blip is the base armitures. I drilled the bottom of each stump and glued in a piece of piano wire for final mounting. Next step will be to make lots of smaller branches out of the Super Tree material next to the stumps and glue them on. This is all for Scenic Express. Never have done this so we will see how it goes.

Final step will be to first paint the armature, then spray the tree with dilute Matt medium or glue and sprinkle on scale leases. I see a mess coming!

I made a promice to myself that once the N scale people were done at the station, I would concentrate on the Sn3 layout for awhile. First project after the cottonwoods will be to build the freight yard buildings. All are kits. Whew!

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