let's give thanks...

meow - meow... it's a good day to be thankful

yes it is princess... do you know - across our states - people are celebrating freedom and giving thanks today...

meep - meep - why just today

originally it was meant to recognize a good harvest - that was back in 1621... in 1789 - george washington declared it a day of public thanksgiving and prayer - so we could acknowledge with grateful hearts - all that god has done for us...

meow - meow... it seems like we focus more on eating these days - who's cooking what - and then all that shopping stuff the next day

you're right gracie... the focus has shifted over the years - people aren't so willing to be thankful - or it's a momentary thing from my perspective... then it's down to eating turkey and stuffing and cranberries... but i think there is a focus on being with family - being together... then maybe they all do the shopping with each other on friday - it's gotten crazy with stores opening so early any more - like at midnight and 2 a.m....

meep - meep... we're together - i'm thankful for that... and that you feed me well - and make sure i have my toys to play with - meep...

i'm grateful we're together, too - princess grace... our 18+ years have gone by too quickly - but we've been blessed to spend them with each other... i am grateful for my god and his provision of a home - food - friends - a creative brain... a country to live in which allows me to do and say and practice however i want... i am grateful for my family - our soldiers that protect our rights and freedoms every day... i am grateful we still have a planet that provides for us - gives us beauty and incentive, inspiration and encouragement - to make every day...


happy day.....

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