Pixel H

By PixelH

Flying east, west...north...maybe that was south..

Yeah I have a rubbish sense of direction.

Anyway, today was a much better day all in all. Work got done and I didn't lose it, I have pain killers to stop my shoulder from hurting and all washing has been kept indoors so there was no chance of it freezing.

The only down side to today was that the panoramas that I took of the pentland hills have all come out badly. My 135mm lens seems to be producing pictures with a dark edge around teh outside. Anyone know what that is? Anyway, when I stitch the photos together theres an obvious line where the photos join. Very annoying.

I got this photo of some Geese flying overhead though, which I wasn't impressed with initially as I was using the 50mm and didn't think I got enough of a close up. But actually you'll just have to believe me that they were Geese. I could hear them (maybe thats the next step for blip....photos with sound.....).

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