
It was a long, but very enjoyable, day. First to St Mary's St where I participated in an introductory session for the maths course that this year I'm co-tutoring with David G and the lovely Shandonner. The students were as interesting, charming and varied as ever. After a wee bit of maths (we were very gentle!) we continued chatting over a Guinness or two in the Waverley. We could hear the sound of bagpipes and drums as the march proceeded down the Canongate and, when agreeing to another pint, were thinking that by the time we'd finished drinking it we might have missed the march. No chance - they were still marching down the Royal Mile in their hundreds/thousands, at least an hour after they'd started from Johnston Terrace. Shandonner and I joined in and walked the rest of the route down to Holyrood Park, where vast numbers of people/saltires/dogs were milling about in great good humour. Something between 50,000 and 100,000 folk, depending on which news source you choose. Lots of Catalan and Cornish flags in evidence, I noticed.

The Radical Road and Salisbury Crags were lined with folk waving flags - and there were of course people right at the top of Arthur's Seat (see extra) with a saltire or three.

Later on D came home from his toils at the till and we went round to the Vaults to calm down.

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