La vida de Annie

By Annie

Perro pequeño, cielo grande.

This is Maxie struggling back along the beachside path at Binigaus. The plan had been to meet up with holidaying friends Tim and Joanna, and go for a walk to the cathedral cave along Binigaus ravine, but by the time we got to the path striking inland away from the sea, it was clear she'd never make it, or certainly not this week. The others, and Buster, continued on to the cave, and Maxie and I turned back, ignoring as much as possible, the fat old men sunbathing naked on the sand. They seem determined to stand up as much as possible rather than recline. The front view is not so bad, as the miniscule manhood is hidden in a nest of grey fuzz, but for some reason they are always finding an excuse to bend over their rucksack, with back to the path, thus displaying a hugely-distended saggy scrotum. Not that I was looking of course.
The young, fit, toned young ones always cover up in a teeshirt and swimshorts.

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