PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP


This is probably the closest I've ever gotten to Dingo with a camera in my hand (admittedly an iphone really so not quite as scary!). She is one of the three dogs that live on site and are looked after by the canteen ladies. Vang is of course one of the others and then there is also Mimi - who is also quite camera shy but at least she lets me give her a good scratch! I will aim to get a shot of her in the next week or so...

Dingo is extremely wary of strangers and even though she sees me multiple time every day she's never gotten close than 3 or so metres to me, but she apparently adores the canteen ladies and greets them excitedly each morning when they turn up for work! I've yet to see this animated side of her - it certainly is a side she keeps well hidden! It is probably a good thing that she is so wary of people as she is one of the dogs least likely to ever be stolen or go missing. I just hope we never have to do any major veterinary work with her, its hard enough crate training Vang at the moment!

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