Spotty Schnozzle (Day 1251)

After the morning woofer wander today, the plan was that I would chip out a bit of cracked grout between the tiles in our shower, clean it all up and re-grout it. 
I thought, when I stopped for lunch, that I would be able to get on with grouting when I got home from the afternoon dog walk. 
Despite getting a message to say that the van had failed its MOT whilst I was wandering, it was a fairly reasonable walk. The weather was much better than yesterday, and this cow with a spotty nose seemed to be enjoying the lack of wind and rain.
Back at home, I noticed one of the tiles was loose and, as so often happens, there was a bit of a domino effect with other tiles coming loose. Re-tiling wasn't what I wanted to be doing, but needs must. With luck the shower will be useable again by the time my beautiful wife comes back from south.

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