Almost Ready

Actually, we have already harvested, and eaten, some of our own paprika.  I haven't bought tomatoes for about half a year now as there's a constant supply.  The same can be said about our strawberries.  There's always a new one popping up and AW enjoys the daily discoveries.  He has gathered the seeds of our sunflowers.  Our grape vines have taken root.  Eventually, we'd like a pear tree, an apple tree (maybe), an apricot tree, and a peach tree, the last two to remind us of many, many bountiful harvests at our previous place.  In the meantime, first the garden shed and then the shed attached to the house, at the front.  Then some more this-and-that items.  All in good time.  As for his homeopathic plant, it has grown in size and beauty, and now resembles a fir tree.  The only thing we need to do in the winter is hang some fairy lights, but it will be harvested long before that.

A day of definitely not working.  As all Sundays should be, but that is never the point.

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