
By Jaxter46

Dusk over Flour Mill Pond

An awful start to the day with a phone call from Mike on his way to work to tell me there was a dead black cat on the main road just a way from the house.

Heart in mouth I legged it down to the road and saw a furry bundle in the middle of the road, there was a lot of traffic and i could see that the black cat wasn't moving. I got to the middle of the road and picked it up and carried it to the grass verge. A sorry state and very dead but only recent as it was still warm. I really couldn't tell if it was my Blackie or not. I didn't think it was as this poor puss was quite big. Even so it was someones pet and I couldn't have left it in the road to be squashed beyond recognition as you see on the roads.

But what to do next I dont' like the idea of the poor thing lying there for people and especially children to see as they pass by. I may have to go and collect it tommorrow if it is stlll there and bury it

I've been tonight to people in the area who I know have cats to ask but no joy no one seems to know who this black cat belongs too.

I think I've solved the mystery of my Blackie, Treacle down the row had kittens and her owner thinks that Blackie is one of her kittens, she saw the dead puss and didn't think it was Blackie, I hope not

Bit of a depressing topic but had to get it off my chest so to speak.

Other news
Busy day, still no news on a date for mum coming home, and it's been a chilly day.

Not had a chance to comment tonight, so will have to catch you all tomorrow.
Take care all x x

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