Fall Colours 1

Shot this on our walk to the post office.  The weather was just beautiful; not too warm, not too windy, the sun was out.  I think it's about time we visited the woods again.

Continued with my CQ (Cultural Intelligence) MOOC today, working way ahead because I want it done by tomorrow -- five weeks in two.

Also need to catch up with some sleep.  AW harvested his medicinal bush and put loads of it in the shed to dry, allowing the smell to circulate around the house as well as in my nose, keeping me awake more than half the night.  By morning, there was a lot less of it and I wondered if it was really a lot less or if I'd just gotten used to it to the point that it no longer bothered me.

One more week of work, then the autumn break, during which I'm off to visit a museum somewhere in Europe for a special exhibit, showcasing an artist I've always admired.

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