and through the wire...

By hesscat

Free Parking

The best unwritten rule in Monopoly... you land on Free Parking and you get the money in the middle... simples! What do you mean you can't see what my oversized cat playing piece is sitting on... that's not my fault! She's on Free Parking... end of!

Attic News... you are following this saga aren't you? I don't need to repeat myself? What? Oh man... it's over a week since I mentioned it! Repointing of cable walls done yesterday... by a professional! Although said professional did tell me how he was scammed  online by £1000 recently... but don't worry, his lime mortar pointing skills seem good! I've got to spray it for 2 days then we are good to go.

You might remember... nah ok you won't... I had ordered enough insulation for one side of the attic so that I could accurately predict how much I'd need for the other half. Makes sense huh? Weeeell... the thick stuff (120mm) that goes between the sloping rafters... despite ordering enough for one side (+1 sheet), I had enough for both sides... eek! I completed all the rafters today (which is the hardest layer to fit) and had about a foot square left over... I started with seven 1.2mx2.4m sheets and that's all I had left over. They are the most expensive sheets. What are the chances of that... lucky or what despite my incompetence!

So not only did that work out perfectly, I've completed all the rafters leaving the thinner (30mm) insulation that goes over the rafters, down the short walls and cable ends and I've already done almost one side already.  I'm looking to complete that one side ASAP, (an hour or so), so I can place the 2nd insulation order which, assuming I do my sums right,  will be much cheaper than originally predicted. Which is nice!

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