Again and Again

By Ripitup


Once the lid was breached there was really no stopping me. I beat the rain for a frosted dog walking session first thing and with a free day due to postponed blipmeet, I then treated myself to a solo cinema trip to see the finale in the twilight saga which none of my cinema going friends were that interested in seeing.

I really enjoy solo cinema trips so it mattered little about the film really. I enjoyed reading the books when they first came out and, having seen the other films at the cinema I wanted to do the same with this one. I hope it really is the finale though and that they don't decide to do another part. I have my doubts.

I had planned to come home and do a vampire inspired blip. I then realised that I could watch F1 qualifying live. Blip-napped, I chose tv, coffee and chocolate.

ps. yes blast this is another food group.

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