Waiting To Be Played With.

Another day of continuous rain.

I took Isabella to swimming, and Peter to the Drs.  He's now got the all clear to go back to work.

As I was arriving at their house, Peter was taking a call from Alexandra.  She'd had an accident. 

She wasn't hurt, neither was anyone else.  She wasn't even in the car.  She'd forgotten to put the hand break on, and the car had rolled into a wall.

This is the result of her being really tired, overworked and stressed out.  She just plain forgot.

I did exactly the same thing many years ago in a Sainsbury's car park, in the UK.  And I had no excuse, I wasn't even a mother then.  I just forgot.  I came out after shopping to find my car half way across the car park.  Luckily it didn't hit anyone.

Still, these things are annoying.  Not least the inconvenience of getting it repaired, and the time it takes.

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