
By CleanSteve

Max playing with light in the Brunel Goods Shed

It has been a long day. I was one of the stewards again at our exhibition in the Subscription Rooms all morning answering questions and acting as a guide for the many visitors. It has been a great success and a fine culmination to all our 30th anniversary events.

At lunchtime I then went to the Brunel Goods Shed for the unveiling of three plaques which record the work of Stroud Preservation Trust in restoring this fine Grade 2 listed building, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, work which started twenty four years ago!

There were dignitaries from the various local councils, representatives of the various funding bodies as well as friends and other trustees. I needed to record the event in pictures one of which will be used in the local paper next week. Unfortunately I had camera problems, such that two lenses electronic connections wouldn't work, giving me Error messages. Luckily my zoom lens did work so I managed to get some pictures, but they are not as good as I would have liked.

The unveiling of the main plaque on the outside of the Shed was conducted in pouring rain but at least I didn't have to use flash. But the interior shots in the rather dark cavernous space leave a lot to be desired. Another case where I needed more appropriate gear, especially when recording events in real time.

As the main guests departed for the restaurant where we would be all eating a celebratory meal together, I stayed behind and I saw some children playing in the art installation which the new tenants of the Shed have mounted, an amalgam of spotlights and hanging objects each with different soundscapes.

Max was enjoying jumping in front of one light creating shadow shapes on a large shield. His Mum was taking pictures of him and I followed suit. I then asked them if they would like me to send them copies from my camera, which they do want. So I said I would email them some, and I mentioned blipfoto to them and asked Max and his parents if they would mind me using one for today's journal. I hope they like this and the other ones I shall let them have in due course. Like all my other pictures, they aren't as good as I had hoped, but they are more interesting than my pictures of the unveiling of a plaque.

Sorry for not commenting much recently, but I have been preoccupied by all the Trust's activities. I shall try to do better soon!

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