The Proud Old Lady

Today was really difficult. We said goodbye to our 18 year old cat, Millie. She has been part of mine and Mrs C's life since the month we moved in together all those years ago. Whenever one of us was away (sometimes for months at a time on Operations in far-flung war zones), Millie was the continuity; the someone to talk to and share emotions with (mostly just her purring for food and cuddles, but that was fine too as I am the same!). She moved with us 5 times and did her best to bring in bits of the wildlife from wherever we were located. Unfortunately, kidney failure occurred and she went to sleep, never to wake up again. Explaining all of these to Junior tonight was heartbreaking but will help him understand grief and loss a little more. He dealt with it as well as could be expected and will, hopefully, come to terms with it in time. Goodnight Millie, sleep well. We'll look for your star in the night sky.

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