Earache MyEyeInA Nutshell

By RichPaula

Creme Anglais a l'orange

Been to one of our favourite, ugh, 'gastropubs' for tea tonight. We wouldn't normally have three courses but we'd been out Christmas shopping in Nottingham and missed our dinner so we were starving.
The pudding menu duly arrived and we couldn't believe our eyes at 'orange hinted custard'. Ridiculous. Why not just call it 'orange custard'? Why ponce it up? That description makes it sound like a chef has just shown the custard an orange. Needless to say, none of the three of us chose it.
We're going to the owner's other pub on Boxing Day where I hope we'll find 'trifle with a tease of sherry' or 'pavlova with a suggestion on raspberry'.
Mind you, I used to love 'chocolate hinted custard' on school dinners...

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