
It was bright and breezy this morning so we walked along to the top of the cliffs with the Ollie and Lando to see what the waves were doing!  A bit of a struggle, walking in the wind - see extras!

Later Mike joined us and we went to the East Mainland to revisit some of Shelagh's old haunts.  We had a super, but very blowy, walk round Newark Bay.  Terrific waves, looking wonderful in the bright sunshine.  Worked up quite an appetite for lunch at Sheila Fleet's new cafe in the old kirk, which is well worth a visit, even if you aren't interested in buying any of her jewellery, which we weren't!  The carving in extras is on the old pulpit, which is still in place.  It's beautifully done, and so fitting for an agricultural community.

An evening of Shelagh writing post cards, me knitting, Mike reading and the dogs sleeping!  

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