twinned with trumpton


And so to the weekend (it was for me!) Although it started at 7 by logging on; OT, y'see?

So I plodded through 5 hours of paying for Christmas and then another hour or so of laundry, hoovering and taking scallops out the freezer. 

To town! To meet her; we had a coffee (with oat milk) at the Forrest Cafe -possibly my favourite flat white in Embra - and an autumnal wander along the Meadows to lay in supplies to go with the scallops - things like a Torrentes (Argentinian) and some bacon and black pudding. 

To hers for some eventual peace and quiet; and with added pea puree we watched some crap TV (Mandy is not showing anywhere in town tonight) before I drifted off into a deep deep sleep. 

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