Castle Ring

None of my friends seem to feel the magic of Castle Ring, the ancient Iron Age Hill Fort that is at the highest point of Cannock Chase. (794 ft)

It’s true that there’s not much left of the ancient fort, but it feeds my imagination and I’m drawn back every year, often to enjoy the autumn colours. Maybe because I’m Staffordshire born and bred.

The Hill Fort was occupied by the Cornovii tribe long ago, in AD 50. They apparently went in for Satanic rituals and blood sacrifices and in some of the stuff on the web, they are seen as those who, 2000 years ago, took the steps that led to Cannock Chase being a “portal area”. A key opening place for supernatural activities.

Apart from lots of UFO sightings, the most frequent reports are of shadow people or “black-eyed children”. There’s also a story of a large black cat. Allegedly there have been more than 20 sightings in the last ten years. it’s said to be one of the ten most haunted places in Staffordshire.

This morning there were Boy Scouts having fun in some kind of Zombie game. I spoke to the man in charge when I returned to the car park.
“I hope you’ve told them it’s haunted.”
“Lots of times.”
“Who needs zombies when you have the real thing ! ”

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