Dolly and one eared Kiki

Kiki doesn't seem much fussed by her lack of ear, it's nice that she's not bothered! The vet school have been back in touch having liaised with the oncology department and the head of the vet school, he's the one who holds the licence for special medications! As the vaccine we are thinking about isn't licences in rabbits, nothing is, they are going to submit a request to ask for authorisation to use it on a rabbit! We're glad they obviously think it's worthwhile to ask, although they may say no! Even if they say yes we may not actually decide to go down that route, the vaccine comes with its own issues! Kiki would need a sedation for it to be administered, it's a needless injector which used compressed air to 'fire' the vaccine through the skin! Apparently it makes quite a bang and has a bit of a kick, Kiki would likely not be able to be still enough if she were awake! Given this information we haven't decided if this is something we are comfortable putting her through four times, plus a booster every six months! Lots to talk about with our own vet on Monday!

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