Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Spin your yarn!

I simply love a trip to Salts Mill in Saltaire. It's just such a beautiful place. I bought a book for school called The Case of The Red Bottomed Robber...about a board rubber who keeps rubbing out chalk but can be caught due to it's red chalky bottom!! :-P

As a celebration of Wool Week this giant ball of wool is on display there.

From Saltaire, a hop on the train to Skipton, a lovely walk around the little shops there before hopping back on the train to Saltaire.

I'm looking forward to the final episode of The Cry this evening. It's been an intensely gripping series filled with plot twists that make you gasp out loud. Not to mention moments of pure anguish and heartbreak you almost share with the characters on the small screen.

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