Inquisitive Cow

Ollie dog and I went for a lovely walk at Fishers Green in the beautiful sunshine. When we arrived at the Grand Weir Hide four young men and their bikes were inside. I was initially a bit apprehensive but they were so polite and friendly and loved Ollie.

As we left the hide some cows galloped to greet us. One in particular seemed very inquisitive. Ollie and it ended up nosing each other. :) I love how its ears are so furry that its tag can hardly be seen.

We spotted a group with a woman flying a barn owl. I guessed it was Coda Falconry who are based at the Lee Valley Farm. We didn't approach and stayed at all times with either a hedge or a stone wall between us and the group. The woman was moaning to the people, who had paid £45 each for the experience, about barking dogs. Ollie was quiet as a mouse and perfectly behaved. The woman and her assistant then said that the owl doesn't like dogs and we made ourselves scarce out of politeness. It's a commercial enterprise. If the owl doesn't like dogs a public park isn't the place to fly it. The crepuscular creature probably doesn't like being flown at midday.  I think this was another case of prejudice against German Shepherd Dogs. :(

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