Change of Mind

I was not going to post one today, break my 844 in a row habit, but while waiting now on Sunday morning for the soup to get to a point where I could leave it I changed my mind. Working in the studio (with "my guy" from yesterday more than leading the way again), with wild strikes of nerves from the dag - blasted shingles hitting left left left as mine is left-sided, having lost my wallet and having someone return it to our dock which I learned from a neighbor's call to me in the studio on my cell - well, I want to mark the day.

Hence this - which is a record of an artist named C. Marco-Relli. I love the collage approach and I have an idea for me, unspoken now because I have learned if I speak too much I take the wind out of an ideas sails. Anyway ---- may I not lose anything today and may the other problem move further on in the 3 week journey they say it takes to go away. I had time to throw out hundred's of drawings and general accumulated "crap" that all makers accrue - and take some photos for the record.

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