The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper

Turning around, they both saw Monsieur le Chef tottering towards them.

Hi Dad, said Marie chirpily.  How's it going? 

'Ow is eet going? 'OW IS EET GOING?  'Ave you no sensibility?  I 'ave suffered ze trauma, I might 'ave killed somebody. 

Oh, sorry Dad, Marie said, still chirpily.  Sorry, forgot.

Alors, mes enfants, 'ave you recovered from your accidents?.......... 'ang on a minute.  What 'az 'appened? You look....Marie you are glowing wiz 'appiness. 

Oh Dad, I thought you wouldn't notice.  I am so happy I could fly.  Minny has asked me to marry him.  And I said yes.

You said WHAT!!  Monsieur le Chef shrieked.  You are engaged to be married.  But 'ow are you going to live?  And where are you going to live?  'E cannot live wiz you.  I, Monsieur le Chef will not allow eet!  You are much too young to think of such things.   Mon Dieu!  I don't want you to make ze mistakes I made when I was young, and in love with your dear Mama. 

What mistakes?  Dad, what haven't you told me?

Ah! Well, ma petite... 'aven't you wondered why your sister Marianne is so much older than you? 
Dad!  Don't tell me that Marianne is......

No, no - we got married in time; but only just.  Marianne was born three months after we were married and your dear Mama was so ill, and then she got pregnant again, and..... Monsieur le Chef started to sob.  Eet was all my fault.  If I hadn't..... if she hadn't ..... if we hadn't..... she might still be alive.

While all this was happening, Minny was wishing the ground would open up and swallow him.  He didn't want to hear the confessions of a misspent youth from Monsieur le Chef.  He did want to get a job, but still had no idea what to do.  Then he saw..........

What Monsieur le Chef is going to think up next to stop this marriage? Join me same time, same place next week for the next episode in this long running saga of Minny Blipper, Marie, Monsieur le Chef, Marianne, the kid called Michel, and the dog called Mutt.

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