
I think I've said it on here before but one of my favourite things is seeing someone who's a friend of mine displaying their professional chops. It's a bit like if Clark Kent was your beer buddy and then one evening he has to go off and be Superman. 

So it was today when the Minx addressed a conference in Birmingham. On this occasion I didn't go in to watch, I just peeped through the door, but I've seen her do this a number of times, chatting away to a room full of people as if it was the most natural thing in the world. What a skill to have.

And she did a good job, too: people were still chatting to her after the other exhibitors had taken down their stands and headed for home. We still managed to be on the road out of Birmingham by five although the drive home was tortuous, including a delay while a bag of nails was swept off the motorway.

Still, we were home by eight, in time for a meal out with Dom and the miniMinx.

No scales
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Reading: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman

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