
By Houseonahill6

October sunrise

Glorious sunrise to wake up to.I sat outside and watched the colours develop until all the reds had gone and just golden light left as the sun finally rose above the horizon. It was not too cold either and there were plenty of birds around to keep me company. If you look carefully you can see the gulls that fly by each morning and land in the field next to us.
We went for a drive later in the day down to Udale bay where we watched more geese arriving. They all seemed to land on ,which we thought, was a small piece of land still above the water, but as more and more landed the whole lot started to move like an island of geese.They gradually came closer and closer and the volume of their honks increased dramatically .
We got chatting to another photographer, not a blipper but he does post his photos on Facebook and I have seen his photos on there.
We drove on to the next carpark where two swans were having a drink from the burn.
On to Cromarty where a fisherman was gutting his catch watched by eager Herring Gulls.
A huge number of kayakers were out on the water.The wind had decreased making it slightly more pleasant for them all.

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