
By DrSandy

Send off...

A kid in the street was celebrating a birthday.

But, for me and the Opal, it was not a happy day.  We found out, Johnnie, our mechanic for the last 20 years, passed away on Thursday afternoon.

So sad............

He did have prostate cancer, but this is not what took him, the treatment killed him.

Want to give this man a shout out.  Mom's car had been giving trouble for the better part of 2 weeks.  Appointments had been made to have the car looked at, but Johnnie was in the midst of chemotherapy and "doctor" shopping.

On Tuesday morning last week, he pitched up at Mom's house, to fix the car.  He knew what was wrong and had brought all the bits and pieces. He joked with Mom  and a tentative arrangement was made for the Opel, to have it's leaky petrol pump , replaced.

He died on Thursday.

He gifted us, with his time, energy and expertise, when he must have felt like CRAP.   

I salute you Johnnie.  Thank your for taking car of our cars, we will miss you like crazy.

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