Escape from LA

The LA is is Local Authority, AKA work.

It has been the worst few weeks at work I’ve known. I am not opposed to change and I am, I think, I resilient.

Another interview before a panel of 10 today. We were invited to apply for us to 3 positions in our new structure. Some chose 1, hoping to demonstrate that they were very focussed on a particular job, hoping for redundancy or because they were keen on none. I chose 3 as I’ve no strong preference in those advertised so far.

I’ve got an interview for the third position o applied for next week. On paper, that one is the one I least qualified for. I think at the moment it would be my preferred option but there is very strong competition.

I drove today for the first time in a week and my knee is a little sore tonight. Another day of resting on the cards tomorrow.

I am grateful for the inner strength I found.

I am grateful for the support of my line manager, who has been amazing the last few weeks.

I am grateful for making it to Friday.

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