
By DonnaWanna

The Black Swan and the Red Kangaroo.

I left my comfort zone today and went to the other side of town for a bone scan.

I had had one there about a year ago so I was familiar with the territory and it was a simple procedure really so nothing to be afraid of... But of course I was nervous!

I was early for the appointment by half an hour but because someone had cancelled I went straight in and before I knew it it was all over. I paid the money and I was outside once again in the glaring sun.

As I walked back to the car I glanced over to the other side of road and saw this black swan and her friend the red kangaroo strategically placed outside an old post office.

I figured this was a perfect photo opportunity and quickly crossed the road. They were made of metal links a bit like chain mail and were quite attractive in a tacky sort of way.

I was blinded by the sun and could hardly see a thing on the iPhone so I just did the old point and shoot and hoped for the best.

Didn't turn out too bad, all things considered and I had completely forgotten that I'd been nervous just a short while before!

Ah the power of the hunt for a blip shot ;)

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