Work in the morning, and beginning to feel that the new tablets are working and my tummy felt much more settled.
In the afternoon, we went to see Jeanie, and sadly she was not having a good day, and the care home seemed very short on the staff front, (I suppose the half term effect).  Although temperatures have dropped, I wore my big scarf that I could wrap her up in, and tucked a coat around her and took her outside for a quick tour around the ground. Her mood lifted a little, but I couldn't get very much interaction happening. She ate two cakes and a cuppa when we went back inside, but then her mood sunk and she cried and wanted to go home, and there was no distracting her. I walked around with her, we tried another lounge,  then the glass foyer in the sun, but she was just so distressed, and the fears from her traumatic childhood all come to the surface. I ended up in tears too, it is so hard to see someone who was so intelligent and bright in this state.

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