
Spent the first part of the morning struggling with the Guardian Prize cryptic, set by Paul. Gave in after a while and parked it for later. Instead I returned to the task of trying to find some photos for a wee project. In the process of updating the MacBook OS, I seem to have lost access to where I have stored almost all my photos; in an external hard drive. Undertaking a search for favourite photos is therefore rather more time consuming as the only way is to look at my journal on Blip. I have kept most of my SD cards, which are safely stored at the Beach House. Next weekend I'll investigate them, as that might be a quicker way, even though it means going through a lot more photos. I will need that to access the photos anyway. Unless I can find someone who can recover my store.

This afternoon S and I took a new standard rose and some compost to daughter C's home, and there we worked with her and the boys (and daughter J joined us as well) to clear a couple of gardens, and also the planting outside the fence. Where this lovely orange rose was uncovered from where it is rambling. 

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