Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Duck Pond

The extra hour this morning was really nice, we were up early but felt like we'd had a good sleep.  After breakfast Alan went off to his shooting club, and I signed up for Body Step at the gym - it's years since I've done a step class, so thought I'd give it a go.  I had assumed it was purely 'step' but I guess I should have realised that it was a bit more than that and involved light weights and also using the step as a bench to do lunges and push ups from it. I was a bit limited due to my shoulder, so I couldn't do everything, but the teacher gave me alternatives to do.

Anyway, I survived the class which was a very good work out.  One lady who I think was also there for the first time, fell off her step and hurt her ankle, I think it's very easy to do!

When the class had finished, I popped over to Falmer Pond which was a hive of activity with ducks and seagulls.  Then we've spent the rest of the afternoon at home, I've done all the washing and started having a long awaited clear out of the office and the utility cupboard, and then made the Sunday roast.  Now I'm sat down though it's hit me and I've gone very tired, so it's going to be an evening in front of the TV if I can stay awake!

Hope you've had a good weekend x

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