The Future.

My Christmas Cactus has lived outside throughout the summer and the autumn, I only brought it in a couple of days ago because there had been a frost. Fortunately I had moved it into the cold frame so it survived the frost and now the buds are developing well.

Today was another day when things didn't go as planned. Because of my ignition barrel issue last night I had to do something about the van. I am very lucky in having a good mate, Mark, who used to be a mechanic, once I persuaded the key to turn, I drove to his, we removed the barrel, secured the steering lock and now I can start it with a screwdriver!!

"Honest officer it is my van!!"

All I need to do is order a new barrel and reverse the process, thank you Mark.

With the van back working properly I drove to see RF and helped plant some new Clematis, also helped eat dinner, walk dogs and drink wine.

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