
By 1YearInAddis

Internal medicine rounds

These are teaching rounds on the internal medicine ward, a twice weekly affair. The room was packed, with almost 20 medical students intially, along with the GP, the intern and the internist. The teaching was taken extremely seriously. Students were expected to have "clerked" their patients. There was lots of questioning of knowledge of the students by the internist. The students were super attentive, scribbling copious notes as we went.

Physical exam was tested and demonstrated. There was even a person with a pleural rub, something you certainly don't see every day in Canada. Luckily, it was on a patient who I thought might expire last week, but is now doing much better.

The internist often questioned the GPs' and interns' diagnostic and management decisions. As before, there were people with TB, retroviral infections, infectious hepatitis, a possible atrial myxoma (also super rare, everywhere, I think), DVT, and stroke, among many other things.

I think these rounds were valuable for everyone involved, particularly the patients.

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