Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Au naturel

Yesterday evening I set off home from my brother's house in Wiltshire with the intention of catching the 18:33 to Paddington, but a total failure of marmalade sandwiches meant that most trains were cancelled and others were delayed. The 19:09 was running, but was delayed by long enough for it to be impossible to get onto so crowded was it. The next along was the 19:35 which did have space on it, surprisingly, considering that staff shortages had meant that five cars of a ten car train had to be locked shut and trailed across the country empty and dark. But we did get to sit in First Class and two lovely young women offered my mum a seat. So when the next seats became available, those two women and I had first refusal. Nice.

I walked into the door of my little flat at 22:22. During the weekend the temperature had plummeted and so far, I have not needed to put on the heating. So after many hours of remaining still, I was not at all cosy, and I have to say that I was not as snug during the night as I have been to date.

I considered ordering a duvet online but it would take a few days to arrive and anyway, I find duvets too extreme these days. I prefer several thinner layers which I can add or subtract in an instant. I also don't want anything made of “fleece”. Yes I know I am in the business of recycling and that fleece blankets are a step in the right direction of ridding the planet of the scourge of plastic pop bottles bobbing about in the oceans, and yes they are desperately cheap, but they have the same effect on me as a duvet – I get too hot, throw them off, freeze, repeat. It is not conducive to a good night's sleep. So I went in search of something more to my preference.

Joy! 100% pure cotton jersey at £16 for a "throw" large enough to use as a blanket on a single bed, and then, though unnecessary, but too gorgeous to pass up, 100% woven linen at £24 (same size). Not only that, but they co-ordinate with the landlord's curtains!

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