
By CleanSteve

Squabbling goldfinches

I am so behind with blips that I have temporarily given up filling in the spaces. I just want to post the scene I saw from our dining table seen through the double-glazed patio doors. I had gathered my camera already as a few minutes earlier a different group of birds were also squabbling as they tried to grab the sunflower seeds and suet pellets.

I was pleased when I saw two male bullfinches on this tray eating happily. Then another, and another, and even one more bullfinch all ended up on or around the tray, though not without a certain amount of aggressive posturing. They became scared and flew off but then two female bullfinches also appeared. We seem to have a very healthy bullfinch community, which is great as I love to watch them, especially at such close quarters, considering they are regarded as rather shy birds.

More back blipping may follow soon .......

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