Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Where we work


Had a pretty bad experience coming home on the bike. Whilst in the country lanes at the back of Skinflats (Delph, Insto, Joe, Wingpig, Scobes etc will know the ones) I was aware of a car coming up behind me. The fields to either side have wee drop off/ditches and I knew in 40m or so there was a gate to a field, I'll pull in there and let them past as I usually do on these roads, what I'm not doing is pulling over onto unknown ground. Next thing I gets the car right up my rear end with the horn getting pumped. I flip them the bird and shout "fuck you!!" Pull over to let them past and get an ear full of abuse, usual shit; road tax, hogging the road with the the passenger constantly reminding me that cyclists can just fuck right off, with me arguing the point that if she had one minutes patience I would have pulled over when safe to let them past. That combined with at least three occasions when lights were put on full beam as I was cycling (my light wasn't on full beam but soon was...) makes you wonder what the hell is going on with some drivers. There barely seems to be a full week without some minor niggle (or worse) with a car driver. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of them courteous and it's a two way street but some plainly shouldn't be in a car. Thing is there has been more than one incident in this area, local roads for local people.....

Thanks to the driver in the wee Citroen that flashed her hazards as I let her pass on the back roads on Letham.

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