Wide Wednesday Sky

Bobsblips has set the theme of sky for the Wide Wednesday challenge today.
Ours wasn't very interesting but I did spot a couple of clouds amongst the blue so went out to the verandah for a quick shot.

To avoid the fisheye capturing the roof I leaned out over the railing. That's when it did get interesting.

I felt the rail start to give and let out an involuntary shriek as I thought I could catch myself. There was another shriek as I couldn't and I sailed off into the garden. I completely missed the plants below and landed on the dirt beyond, relatively gracefully I think, with my camera subconsciously held aloft in my right hand.
I feel as if I was actually flying but it was probably more like flailing.

Mr isbi and couple of workmen across the street all came running.
The amazing thing is I appear to be completely unscathed. It's reassuring to know my bones must be pretty strong as I would have catapulted 2 metres.
I knew the rail was a bit wobbly so lucky it was me who fell off and not a child or visitor.

Unfortunately there is no shot of the action, but there is a bit of sky above the roof there Bob :-)

Is there a tag for blip accidents like this?

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