Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Well, maybe not too happy to be sharing but....

Today we went shopping....early so it wouldn't be too busy. Jed wanted yet more Skylanders figures and he had more birthday money to buy them with so....then we nipped into the supermarket. Two minutes of a job, really good. Then it was into JD to buy Lewis a coat for school. He had a lovely coat for school but it was sicked over by a fellow pupil on a school trip so Lewis would no longer wear it, no matter how many times I washed it!! The sick coat has been passed on to Jed (who knows all about the sick saga and isn't bothered by it) and Lewis ended up with an almost identical one but slightly bigger....then we had brunch in Subway. It was quite a nice Sunday really, even though I don't like shopping, I almost enjoyed my joining of the masses.

I ran a route around the village of 5km in preparation for my Santa Dash charity run in Liverpool next week. I did it in 35 minutes but I running is really not my thing and I now know that I will be redder than the Santa suit I'll be wearing next week. I felt elated that I did it though....

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