
Yesterday morning I was with my friend at hayle. In the afternoon I as sawing a shelf as we had had a new chest freezer delivered at the weekend and the shelf that was next to the freezer did not fit anymore.
As I was sawing the wood, very suddenly I had a tremendous pain all over my head, I have never had pain like this in my life. To cut a long story short I went to  hospital by ambulance, and after a scan that said they could not see anything there, they thought I had had a TIA. they wanted to keep me in over night. I had arrived in the hospital about 2.30pm and got to a ward at 11.30pm, I felt lucky to have got a bed as I found out afterwards quite a lot of people had spent all night on trollies.
I saw the consultant, in the morning, I explained to her that I have a problem with trapped nerves in my neck, which I had said in A@E she agreed with me and said she thought as I have a curved spine the main nerves from my spine to my head got trapped and I had had a nerve spasm. The consultant want me to have an MRI scan, she though I would not get one that day and suggested I go home and they would get an appointment for the next day. Later that day a junior Dr came and apologised to me and said there was a 5 week wait for and MRI. 
I am home now and very grateful to be in my own home. I still have pains in my neck. 
The picture is the ward I was on overnight. It was taken in the afternoon when I was waiting for my discharge papers, they were closing the ward to give it a deep clean.

 This is a back blip

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