Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Minnie and Me skating

Whay hey! William slept through! And what a difference it made. Unfortunately the football class he was booked into on Sun morning was cancelled due to low numbers, thankfully I hadn't told him about it, so he knew no different.

Instead we went swimming, then home for lunch. Daddy and Poppa then took the kids oiut cycling for a bit while I started to pack. When they got back we headed to the Sports Village for Carys and I to go rollerskating (as you can see), after an hour of that we were supposed to be doing short mat bowls. Poppa took it very seriously, unlike William, who would remove bowls or the wood at any given moment! Carys was actually quite good, Daddy and I couldn't really join in as there were only eight bowls!

The fireworks at five thirty were great. William didn't like the noise, but was quite happy to watch them from the safety of Daddy's arms. Carys loved them and also the fact Father Christmas put in an appearance on the lake. I did get some shots but I like this one of Carys and I better. After firework's we headed to Bella Italia where William had long conversations with the waiter, and we bumped into more friend's from school (by the end of the weekend I had seen or spoken to 9 families from school and they were the ones who had kids in keystage one, how many others were there, who knows!).

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