Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

the poppy tree...

Chilly morning in Edinburgh - my airbed had gone down in the middle of the night and I was lying on a cold floor!!  We had a laugh about it anyway!  Went to various galleries and wandered about the city this morning.  The poppy tree is part of a remembrance display in Princess Street Gardens!  Edinburgh is such a great city to just wander and you find lots of little interesting things along the way!

Late afternoon I got the tram to the airport and then my flight to Belfast.  After getting a bus into the city, I was waiting on another bus and met a lovely couple from Oman with their 4 children - they had been to watch the fireworks and were confused about the Halloween festival!  I told them I was equally confused!!  I hope to meet them again as they stay nearby.

I actually intended to post this when I got home and am not sure how I forgot as I had my computer open to do it!!  

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