Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Golden Spiral

I had a rather lazy morning today but it did me good, and my cold is much better thank goodness.  I didn't actually have much planned for today for a change, other than an eye test this afternoon, so when I received a message from Steffi to say she was back in town, we arranged in impromptu meet up.

I wear glasses for driving and watching the TV and haven't had y eyes tested for about four years, but everything was fine and she said that my vision has only changed slightly so I don't need new glasses.  Because dad suffered from glaucoma and was partially sighted in later life, they've recommended I now have an eye test yearly which is good.

I met Steffi by the i360 and we went for a coffee and a hot chocolate, before going outside to watch the murmuration.  The birds are still small in number, but it won't be long before they're there in full force.  Thanks for the hot chocolate Steffi, the drinks are on me next time!

Tonight I've been to Zumba, but struggled with my shoulder as the routine involves using your arms, so I tried to minimise what I did, but it was difficult.

My blip is of the Golden Spiral which comprises 24 cast iron columns from the original West Pier.  At night they're illuminated making an attractive feature, which looked particularly nice at the Blue Hour.

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