Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Website Birth

Okay, big step for me... I just published my website. I've been diligently working on creating my author's platform (hub website, social media, blog, etc.) & getting out some submissions of my novel to agents. I secured the domain name in Feb., so it was high time I get the site together. So, this is why I've been blip-deprived lately. Anyhow, it's still far from complete or perfect, but it's live. I hesitated about posting the address, but I need to get over that. I need to let others see; that is the point, after all! If you care to check my preliminary design, pop over to & let me know your thoughts/impressions. I'm open for constructive criticism as it will help me move forward. My blog there is going to be focused on "aspiring to be inspired" creatively (especially through writing). Also, I just joined Twitter, so feel free to follow me @micheleksmith. Whew, there...self plug over. (Trust me when I say that is totally not my style. I'm very private, but I'm forcing myself to do this to extend my writing career.)

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