
By Bigdreamer

gloo!!! WHY

Finally the weekend.... hey who is counting!!!
Christmas market was on today, I love going to this one. I like to get there nice and early before the crowds and wonder around. I was hoping to find some christmas stocking for the girls to hang up and for me to put little presses in. They had all types of wonderful little bits and pieces, perfect for christmas stocking fillers. I bought nice nice smelling soap that really looks like cakes, hope the girls don't actually try and eat it. I know Lara will end up nibbling it. When ever I got to a Market I make sure I always buy HONEY and strawberry and raspberry jam. I love to rush home and put it on to some fresh bread, girls and I nearly eat the whole thing on the first day. YUM

Our other favourite thing to do here, is get freshly squeezed lemonade, from a nice lady who, makes it on the spot for you. Nice and tangy.

Dad NOOOO don't buy them GOO, back away from the goo..... he bought it anyway. of course he did. And as you can see guess who ended up with it mattered into her hair. What a night mare to get it out!!! managed to some how with her screaming blue murder too.

Girls have been busting to make ginger bread houses, after the goo incident I must of been in a crazy mood I say yes to making them.
Our first attempt at it and they turned out not to bad. No houses collapsing. However there was icing sugar EVERYWHERE so I am pretty sure nothing it going to break theses house down. Also lollies on every spare bit of space, lets just say very very christmasy and sweet. Three happy girls. and one slightly crazy woman.

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