Five things

By fivethings

Marianne skies

1. I love it when the day starts a bit differently. This morning I read a brilliant interview with Orhan Pamuk and do a few rounds of sun salutations.

2. I'm reading Thomas Hardy just now and last night I read a gorgeous line. It said 'it was a day with a summer face and a winter constitution when there was just enough blue sky visible to make cheerfully disposed people wish for more.' Today I am wishing for more.

3. Ellis' present is finally bought and beautifully wrapped. This is it just before it gets packed up.

4. A very eventful lunch. A walk through a new, exciting door, then a very lovely catch up with progress on all the hard work at PUGS then after a recommendation, a cracking munch at a new Lebonese place.

5. During an afternoon that contains 'play, some pie and a point' and a lively chat with Amble an email from mum pops in that lights me up. It is a Marianne sky tonight. Full of light and cheerful.

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