Flip It!

If President Trump is telling the truth,  — Democrats are trying to open America’s borders and fill the country with MS-13 gang killers and drug dealers who will turn the United States into Venezuela, destroy Medicare, and trash the economy.  Yes, Democrats are in cahoots with globalists like George Soros to finance Middle Eastern caravans, fake the Puerto Rican hurricane death toll, and sell the global warming hoax. 

Why should we stop believing Trump now?  Remember -  it was Trump that uncovered Ted Cruz's dad's role in the JFK assassination, identified 5-million fraudulent Hillary Clinton voters, absolved Russian election interference, and discovered that vaccines cause autism.

Go ahead and vote for Democrats.  But these would be the same people who refuse to accept that:

Nancy Pelosi was driving the white Fiat in the Paris tunnel when Princess Diana was killed.

Cory Booker was on the Grassy Knoll with Ted Cruz’s father.

Hillary Clinton  brought down the World Trade Center with controlled demolitions and holograms.

Kamala D. Harris  sabotaged the Deepwater Horizon using sharks with cameras in their eyes.

Elizabeth Warren deflated footballs at the 2015 AFC championship game and is responsible for crop circles, the Vatican’s coverup of sexual abuse and New Coke.

And Obama, born in Kenya to Muslim terrorists, is attempting genocide by pushing all white people off the edge of the Earth — which, as we all know, is flat.

All credit to Dana Milbanks, The Washington Post

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