One of many....

....leaves that have fallen in the past two days from all the wind and the rain. This bright yellow one, laying on its side among the larger ones, caught my eye. I headed out early this morning to pick up a few groceries, stopped for gas, stopped at the Post Office for stamps & to mail a few cards, went to the bank, then scooted home to get Tom so we could go and vote. Got home and called the guy who did our snow removal last year to ask him to do it again this year, and in half an hour we have to leave for day two of this session of chemo. I like to get everything done early in the day so I can read a bit before my daughter and granddaughter get home from school/daycare, as once they get here it's Mae's and my playtime! :)))
Thanks to JDO for hosting TinyTuesday this month. 

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