
By lynnjones7186


Today we went out to buy coffee.  The place we went to actually produce their own coffee, they supply coffee to restaurants and hotels along with coffee machines, cups, saucers, plates, cutlery you name it they will have it.  They also sell to the public.  You choose your coffee beans and then they are ground to your requirements.  As you can imagine the shop smells of fresh coffee.  Unfortunately they don't like you taking photos, but maybe next time we go I will try for a sneaky shot. 
Later hubby went to the dentist, I realised that we were short of milk so I walked to the local shops. On the way back I met a friend, she owns the laundry that we use, she offered me a lift home on her scooter, only down our street, at first I thought she was joking, then she said it was too hot to walk so I accepted her offer.  I have not been on a scooter since I was about 14 when an older boy in our group of friends bought a honda 50.  I arrived safely home,  in fact my friend dropped me off at the door.  I did request the fourth floor.  
In the evening we went out for Burmese food, beautiful as ever.  These flowers were standing on counter.  

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