Uncaptured day

Well, it's not like I didn't have the opportunity to take a good photo, today. There was the run up to Hutton Roof, via Hophouse Lane, this morning, which included a section on the return leg along the picturesque Lune. 

Then there was my lunch with my book, which I'm enjoying hugely, at the Royal, where I could have pictured my smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich, with a pint of ale just out of focus in the background. 

There were opportunities in Lancaster at dusk, when I went to buy a couple of things for Steve's birthday, tomorrow, and then in Morecambe - the lights of Grange across the bay - when I went to pick up Dan from work. 

Or I could have captured shots of the wonderful dinner we had - me, the Minx and miniMinx, Dan and Abi, Charlie and Hannah, and Charlie's schoolfriend, Rachel, who is now Dan's French teacher - or the laughter and happy faces as we talked into the late evening, listening to songs from the girls' teenage years. 

But actually all I have for you is this screengrab off my phone, which I sent to the Minx when I finished my run. 

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Reading: ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’ by Robert Galbraith

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